Take this 'Sex to the Sheriff' template (including Texas Obscenity Laws) to your county Sherriff: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Qn76BMTM9_s6jJoJWZR5Bz4MBFUhCrq2fM2MZOBl7dc/edit?usp=sharing
'Movie Ratings' template: https://c27c03a5-5acb-4d03-a2a0-b279f0003e03.filesusr.com/ugd/413ae8_eebe11c3a28b4e43a64c077a84684e94.pdf
Movie Ratings Chart: https://drive.google.com/file/d/15-cvOKiJ5_2f2glxVpV1qc1Ue9JG0Nzs/view?usp=sharing
Click this link https://www.gofollett.com to search if this book is in your school.
See other state laws: https://bit.ly/3KE3piY
Citations for Early Sexual Debut and LGBTQ Health Risks: https://bit.ly/3JphCiz
See your district's 2021 TEA School Report Card including STAAR Test results: https://bit.ly/3rd97ks
See your Texas SBOE (State Board of Education) Representatives: https://bit.ly/3KqUHod
Find Your Texas Representatives: https://bit.ly/3uyXDtL
Did you know you can have a title removed from your library? A district may remove materials because they are pervasively vulgar or based solely upon the educational suitability of the books in question. Ask your independent school district for an 'Instructional Materials Reconsideration' form today, fill it out and turn it in for each title containing sexually explicit, obscenities. Here are form samples by district: https://bit.ly/3rdg4C7
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