Use the above link to look up your Texas Independent School District and find your district's rating.
Why Are The Ratings Completely Bogus For Some Districts?
The ratings exclude any campus that had a D or F rating in the calculations. If a campus received below a 70, the campus was labeled 'Not Rated and thus was excluded from the calculations for the final district grade. 42 districts and 564 campuses received at least one 'Not Rated' label.
How Can That Be Accurate?
It was passed in a Texas bill in 2021.
See "Ed Spotlight: SB1365 in 87r".
How Can I Find Out If My District Accountability Rating Is Bogus?
Why Are District Accountability Ratings Bogus Regardless of the Dismissal of A Failing Campus?
There are examples of districts with horrible STAAR scores with an A rating. How can this be? It confirms that TEA has added so much extra hooey to the calculations that academics are no longer a priority to a TEA.
See "Ed Spotlight: TEA".
My Campus Did Not Have Any 'Not Rated' or Failing Campuses, Is My District Accountability Rating Still Bogus?
Read the 10/22/2022 article "A ‘Texas miracle’ brought us No Child Left Behind. Here’s a new one." by Valerie Strauss. She clearly explains how the system can be gamed and that you can't count on Texas District Accountability Ratings.