"The school told my child he could not graduate unless he filled out this form (FAFSA). He was in a panic. There is an opt out option. The kids were not told about this. Parents are NOT REQUIRED to fill out this invasive questionnaire to give the government." - Parent of 2022 Texas Senior
by Social Impact Podcast
Why Are We Having To OPT OUT or Fill Out The FAFSA in Texas?
We can thank our legislators for passing the huge, omnibus bill, HB3 in 86r in 2019 which added TEC 28.0256.

SB369 in 87r (2021) further clarified and updated. Signed by the governor on 06/14/2021 and effective immediately.
Do You Recommend Filling Out the FAFSA?
Unless you are in dire need of aid from the government, we recommend not filling out the FAFSA. It requires an incredible amount of information that we feel is government overreach and invasive, at best.
Why is Texas Pushing For All Parents To Apply For Financial Aid Even If You Might Not Need It?
Now you're asking the right questions.