CEO, Co-founder of Amplify Education
Board of Trustees of the Southern Education Foundation (SEF)
New Yorker
Pahara-Aspen Education Fellow
Board Member, Touch Press
Board Member, Sustained Attention
See "Ed Spotlight: Amplify".
See "Ed Spotlight: Aspen Institute".
“For more than 150 years, the Southern Education Foundation has been bending the arc of American education toward equity and justice. It's mission remains urgent. I am honored to join the Board to help the organization continue to make an impact on K-12 education for students of color and low-income students in the American South.” -Larry Berger, CEO Amplify.
"SEF is closely associated with the Southern Poverty Law Center. SPLC is one of the leading hate organizations that definitely pushes the Critical Race Theory. SEF and SPLC both support Fund Georgia’s Future which is also tied to the Critical Race Theory. It is hard to find direct links among all these people/organizations, but they seem very closely aligned with CRT." - Donna Garner
Southern Poverty Law Center Articles:
By Tyler O'Neil; 02/04/2021
by Barnini Chakraborty; 06/18/2021
“Americans can only dismantle white supremacy if they understand how racism shaped (and continues to shape) housing, education, policing, health care and other policies”
by Mike LaChance; 03/04/2021
Larry on Twitter
Larry on FB Reflecting
Amplify CEO Larry Berger: Amplify CKLA
by Amplify
By Tony Wan with EdSurge