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Texans Wake Up 88th Legislative Priorities

Writer's picture: TexansWakeUp AdminTexansWakeUp Admin

Updated: Dec 17, 2022


Absolutely No Democrat Committee Chairs

Completely remove sexuality education from government education in Texas

Remove the expiration date for sex ed OPT IN

(from Section 7 of 28.004 (i-3) that was in HB1525 in 87R that expires the OPT IN for human sexuality instruction)

Associated bills: SB163 / HB478

Remove the expiration date for Convention of States

Restrict curriculum that 1) is Common Core Aligned (CCSS), 2) Aligned with the UNs SDGs or 3) includes SEL (character trait education), 4) contains CRT, DEI or makes race an issue as in critical theory.

  • which includes "Amplify" curriculum

Remove technology in k-10 (study about, not on) and return to paper and pen

Return to a Classical Education Model.

Parents are the primary and final authority in all matters and in all decisions concerning their children. All other entities are subordinate (amend TX Constitution)

Schools will be fully transparent with parents regarding everything to which their child is or will be exposed, without exception

  • require all character trait and/or social emotional learning curriculum/training to run through the SHAC

  • SHAC transparency enhancements

  • no minor/student shall be on the SHAC

  • allow public testimony at all SHAC meetings

Establish consequences for districts & their employees who violate parental rights guaranteed by the US Constitution, Texas Constitution or Texas Law; allow legal remedy not dependent on completion of local grievance process

Have Senate NOT confirm Mike Morath as the Texas Commissioner of Education and submit new names for the Governor to review

Make it illegal to treat our children as data or profit centers; it shall be illegal to collect, store, survey, sell, or analyze data related to students and/or families that is not directly related to academic grades/test scores

Repeal the obscenity exemption in the Texas penal code to make it indefensible to make available sexually inappropriate material to minors for any purpose

Return focus to core subjects (reading, writing, math and science); CRT, [all veins of DEI], SEL, school based health centers, multi-tiered systems of support and any other efforts to establish "whole child" education systems will be prohibited [in curriculum, service provider philosophy, missions, visions, education, and trainings]

  • remove all character trait and social and emotional learning curriculum/trainings

  • remove all 3rd party vendors that are influencing and accessing Texas children, see Ed Spotlight: 3rd Party Vendors Influencing Texas Education; starting with Communities in Schools (TEC Chapter 33 SUBCHAPTER E. COMMUNITIES IN SCHOOLS PROGRAM)

Correct failed discipline policies; Replace restorative discipline with consequential discipline. Restore due process protections and the ability to appeal district discipline decisions

Double Texas state-certified educator salaries so that Texas public education teaching positions are the most-sought after in the nation

Remove local and emergency certification of educators

Remove district students as possible SHAC members (Sec. 28.004 (d)(4) )

Outlaw gender altering surgeries in Texas

TEA to be audited, downsized and put on a budget

Return power to the SBOE

All curriculum that is purchased or endorsed by TEA should be evaluated by the SBOE

SBOE will receive paid staff (2 each) for research

Require all board of trustee meetings to be video recorded and posted to the district website

Ensure all school board members are always elected and never appointed by the district or existing board of trustees. (Chapter 11 VACANCIES)

Remove the requirement for all curriculum that is submitted to TEA for SBOE recommended selection to have an online version and available braille; These expenses should be covered by the TEA once curriculum is selected by SBOE

Eliminate and prohibit TASB associations

Eliminate and prohibit TLA associations

Eliminate and prohibit Scholastic book fairs because they promote harmful materials to children

Eliminate and prohibit ASCA associations

Annually audit ESCs and make efforts to downsize and eventually eliminate

Criminal punishment for the commission of education if he/she does not run everything through the SBOE for approval

Incentivize purchasing curriculum, programs or other instructional resources from Texas-based companies

Establish training programs for superintendents and principals managed by the SBOE

Make the TEA Do Not Hire registry searchable by school district that made entry

Change the requirements to apply for superintendent positions so that business leaders with the community may apply

Remove the failing grade exemptions from district accountability ratings [and re-calculate grades effected]

Make it illegal for contraceptives, day-after pills, dental dams, sexual events (any event containing drag) to be within an X mile radius of a pre-K-12 public school (Lubbock example)

Eliminate emergency and local teacher certifications

Create incentives for districts to hire Texas born (1) and Texas educated (2) teachers with Texas values

Health education should teach the value and dignity of life and include a live sonogram showing the developmental stages of a child in the womb

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