Bill: SB 123
Legislative Session: 87(R)
Caption Text: Relating to instruction in positive character traits and personal skills in public schools.
Author: Nathan Johnson (D-SD16)
Coauthor: Powell (D-SD10) | Zaffirini (D-SD21)
Sponsor: Turner, John
Effective on 9/1/21.
Bill enrolled text.
Bill analysis.
Notes: SB123 authored by Dallas Democrat, Nathan Johnson (SD 16) and co-authored by Laredo Democrat, Judith Zaffirini (SD21) and Burleson Democrat, Beverly Powell (SD10).
Enrolled Text Below:

Bill Analysis:


We have noticed differences in TEC 29.906 which reflects SB123 and the TEKS generated by the TEA. See analysis in below link.
See "Ed Spotlight: TEC 29.906 vs §120.3. TEKS".
We believe that SEL is a blatant violation of parental authority and rights.
See also "Concerning Issues With SEL (Social & Emotional Learning) in Texas".
We believe that SEL is mental health thus falls under the health umbrella thus should fall under the purview of the SHAC (school health advisory council).
See "Sample SEL Legislation".
There was a bill prior to SB123 that ushered in SEL which is HB 1026.
See "HB 1026".