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Education Spotlight: EMF / RFR

Writer's picture: TexansWakeUp AdminTexansWakeUp Admin

Updated: Dec 18, 2022

EMF stands for electromagnetic fields or frequency.

RFR stands for radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation.

The below links can open the door to helping you understand why wifi and cell phones and wifi in schools can be harmful for your children. There is additional information on EMF, in general, and a glimpse into why 5G cell towers, smart meters, home wifi, global satellite launch schedule, and electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attack (whether terroristic or solar flare) is more than concerning.

If your child is having health issues, sleeping problems, or is being labeled hyperactive by professionals, we recommend evaluating EMF exposure. Just as smoking was once the public norm, considered safe, and finally exposed, so is the path that EMF is traveling today. The data exists. The reports are conclusive. It's up to you to protect your family, your schools, and your community.

Below are just a few video clips, movies, websites, books, reports and groups to "expose" you to the invisible harms surrounding our nation. Specials thanks to Shelia Hemphill with Texas Right To Know and Senator Bob Hall to alerting me to what was occurring and pushing my curiosity to research and post this information. To my precious family friend that is in pain, I hope this will assist in reducing your health issues. To my followers relating to public education, the data about EMF and RFR coupled with the information we have presented on screen time should be enough to push you to home learning.

WIFI In Schools



Resonance: Beings of Frequency is a sensational journey, which reveals 60 years of scientific research into the harm being caused to life by man made wireless frequencies. Uncovers for the very first time, the actual mechanisms by which mobile phone technology can cause cancer. A deeper look at how every single one of us is reacting to the largest change in environment this planet has ever seen.

Watch on Amazon Prime for free.

Take Back Your Power documentary investigates so-called “smart” utility meters, uncovering shocking evidence of in-home privacy invasions, increased utility bills, health & environmental harm, fires and unprecedented hacking vulnerability… and lights the path toward solutions. Watch on Apple iTunes or Amazon Prime.

Our Grid


Austin Briefing SmartMeters Mar 04, 2013

Beth Biesel of Texas Eagle Forum sponsored a "Smart Meter Briefing" at the Texas capitol for over 70 members of the Texas Legislature and their staff. Representative Ron Simmons of District 65 hosted this event. The members of our expert panel consisted of: Wayne Richard (who also served as moderator), Russ Ramsland, Ken Emanuelson and Tom Winnenberg. Each presented their findings regarding the serious concerns about the smart meter network. During the forum serious vulnerabilities in personal privacy, security, intellectual property and health were discussed. The important economic concern as to why citizens should not be penalized financially for opting out was also a key component of the discussion. It is imperative Texas maintain its independence from the national grid for numerous reasons. Texas will find itself vulnerable should the smart meter grid as proposed be implemented. Two bills have been filed regarding the smart meter issue; SB241 and HB1171. These bills are moving through committees and will be fined tuned in the coming weeks. Watch this video to learn the specifics of the smart meter discussion and then consider joining us in Austin when the bills have a public hearing.

HB 2129 in 79R in 2005 and was signed into law and effective on 9/1/05.

Caption Text: Relating to energy-saving measures that reduce the emission of air contaminants.

Author: Bonnen

Sponsor: Armbrister

The above video references two bills. Neither became law. They are both listed below:

HB 1171 in 83R in 2013 and did NOT become law.

Caption Text: Relating to civil liability for certain damages caused by advanced meters.

Author: Simpson

SB 241 in 83R in 2013 and did NOT become law.

Caption Text: Relating to the regulation of advanced meters and the interconnection of ERCOT with another grid; requiring a study on the health effects of advanced meters; authorizing an administrative penalty.

Author: Carona

HB 3656 in 85R in 2017 and did NOT become law.

Caption Text: Relating to authority of an electric utility customer to choose not to have an advanced meter.

Author: King, Ken


by Camilla R. G. Rees

by Michael Mabee

Property Values

EMF Meters & RFR Shield Products

Smart Meter Guard Includes wifi router and smart meter guards.

Shield Apparel - The First Signalproof Apparel - SHIELD is the first stylish & comfortable EMF protective clothing with more than 20,000 customers around the globe. It fits perfectly and blocks a wide range of electromagnetic radiation (including 5G). Powered by pure silver.

5G and Electro Magnetic Radiation (EMR)


by Kate Mason

* All information in the article is for parents to understand practices, philosophies, resources (and their effects), curriculum, and testing for their children and falls under Fair Use laws. The views or opinions expressed in the above are not necessarily all shared by TWU, but are here for your own evaluation.



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All site content falls under the Fair Use Law and is for the sole purpose of alerting parents of the dangers available to children no matter the source.

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