President/CEO of Texas 2036
Board Member for Amplify
Former Secretary of Education
Architect of NCLB
See "Ed Spotlight: Texas 2036"
See "Ed Spotlight: Amplify".
"Margaret Spellings is Exec Director of Texas 2036--an initiative to increase early childhood ed, increased HS grad rates and higher percentage of Texas students who attain a college degree to meet workforce needs of the future, among other goals. She is very connected to the Bush's, served as GWB's U.S. Sec of Education and was responsible for the failed No Child Left Behind policy of the GW Bush administration." - Donna Garner Amplify Review
by Social Impact Podcast
Note: Margaret Spellings was host.
A 5-part lecture series addressing structural divides in America
by Women of St. Michael, Dallas

Margaret Spellings promoting democrat, Todd. Williams.
See "Ed Spotlight: Todd Williams".

Business Wire
Board Members per article:
Emerson Collective Managing Director and XQ Institute CEO, Russlynn Ali
Amplify CEO, Larry Berger
Monarch Global Strategies President and CEO, Michael Camunez
Emerson Collective Managing Director, Brad Powell
Former Secretary of Education, Margaret Spellings
Learn Capital, Rob Hunter
A-Street Ventures, Marc Sternberg
5 Ways Americans Can Challenge Schools' Status Quo Amid the Pandemic:
Jeb Bush, Arne Duncan, Margaret Spellings, Shavar Jeffries &. Bart Epstein on a 'Historic Opportunity'
by T74 Pandemic Interviews

See Arne Duncan of "Ed Spotlight Emerson Collective" (former Sec of Ed to Barack Obama)

by Thomas Ultican

See "Ed Spotlight: Amplify".