International Baccalaureate (IB) is global education curriculum based in Switzerland.
The International Baccalaureate (IB), formerly known as the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO), is an international educational foundation headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, and founded in 1968. It offers four educational programmes: the IB Diploma Programme and the IB Career-related Programme for students aged 16 to 19, the IB Middle Years Programme for students aged 11 to 16, etc.
DEI Statement

"Founded in 1968, the International Baccalaureate (IB) pioneered a movement of international education, and now offers four high quality, challenging educational programmes to students aged 3-19. The IB gives students distinct advantages by providing strong foundations, critical thinking skills, and a proficiency for solving complex problems, while encouraging diversity, curiosity, and a healthy appetite for learning and excellence. In a world where asking the right questions is as important as discovering answers, the IB champions critical thinking and flexibility in study by crossing disciplinary, cultural and national boundaries. Supported by world class educators and coordinators, the IB currently engages with more than 1.95 million students in over 5,300 schools across 158 countries. To find out more, please visit www.ibo.org."
Concerning Curriculum

by Texans Wake Up
IB Powerpoint Presentation
by Ginger Russell
Current as of 01/18/2023
by Unknown

The Golden Hammer
See current Texas GOP Platform in Plank 114 & 274.

See "Ed Spotlight: Amarillo ISD".

See current Texas GOP Platform in Plank 114 & 274.
By T. Ultican
Debra Niwa - The International Baccalaureate Unraveled - Disc 2
by Charlotte Iserbyt
Show & Tell for Parents
by Susan Darst Williams
Website with numerous articles. The most robust gathering of information on IB, we can find.