Eureka Math2 (previously known as Eureka Math and, before that, EngageNY Math).
PhD Science
Great Minds in Sync
Eureka Math is owned by Great Minds.
See "Ed Spotlight: Great Minds".
See "Ed Spotlight: Wit & Wisdom".
TEA Eureka Minds TEKS Edition
Great Minds Eureka Math webpage
Quote taken 8/2/2022
"As part of our continued effort to advance equity in educational materials, ..."
Great Minds Eureka Math Squared Introduction NDE Teaching, Learning, & Assessment
"The goal is advancing equity..."
"As we raise the depth of knowledge, so many words can get in the way."
"We use a read, draw, write process."
by Pam Goshert
Note: Author goes through the differences in the curriculum moving from Eureka Math to Eureka Math2.
Education Week
by Scott Baldridge
Note: Scott Baldridge is an Associate Professor of Mathematics at Louisiana State University and was Lead Writer and Lead Mathematician for EngageNY Mathematics Curriculum which changed their name to Eureka Math and now Eureka Math2. In the video is Scott Baldridge and his daughter, Autumn Baldridge.
Peers & Pedagogy
Please click the above link, but ignore the article and skip down to the comments section and read every last entry. There are comments as recent as 2022. Below are several.
Neelam B says:
MARCH 23, 2022 AT 4:42 PM
I can’t agree more. I also have a 2nd grader and she was so good in her math skills before we moved to a school system that uses Eureka math. She is frustrated with boring lessons and losing her interest only in math. I feel like so many strategies to do a simple addition/subtraction problem confuse her rather than help her understand. She enjoys the vertical method and always gets the right answers, but gets puzzled when asked to use different methods. Moreover, the curriculum seems to run too fast without giving enough time and practice to build a concept for a 7-8-year-old.
Mr. J says:
NOVEMBER 22, 2021 AT 5:04 PM
"I agree with Ms. B and will add that the students find Eureka math frustrating because they easily know the answers to the basic questions and can’t understand the need for all this ‘math sentence’ nonsense. I find it necessary to agree with them and in most schools the only reason Eureka math is being used is to satisfy politicians. It is a very cumbersome method and I can only describe it as taking a trip from point A to point B but having to get there via point C, D, E, F… And then there’s this ‘Magic Sticks’ thing. How silly! I have a 1st grader that excels at math skills and is well into learning multiplication. Eureka math has become an hindrance to his learning and he get a VERY frustrated with it. How do you tell a bunch of bright 1st graders that what they’re doing is good for their math skills when they cannot see the logic in it? Complete nonsense. Then there are the questions themselves. There is no way your average 1st grader can read these things. In addition the descriptions of the lessons from the EngageNY website read like the babble from someone far removed from proper sentence structure and writing skills in general. Run on sentences abound. One of my paid skills is writing instructional documentation and for corporate presentations and I’d be thrown out if my written words were remotely close to the convoluted writing ‘style’ used in conjunction with Eureka."
Christina Carrasco says:
FEBRUARY 4, 2020 AT 1:47 AM
"I’m a parent of a 2nd grader. Eureka math had made Math more difficult than what it should be. Please – tape diagram, arrow diagram, etc – to solve a simple addition and subtraction? I have spoken to a few parents I come in contact with and none of them appreciate Eureka math methods. I‘ve had to show my son the simple way of solving his addition and subtraction using the “vertical” method (or I say Column it) and he’s so happy he can do it much easier and faster! After he gets the answer, he found it easier to do the other method just to appease his teacher or the homework. I‘ve had to go through the sample worksheet myself just to help my son understand the methods and I am flabbergasted at the complexity children are being put through at 2nd grade…they not only have to understand/comprehend word problems, now they have to go through all these steps! Addition and subtraction are simple math FGS! I can’t wait to see how much more complicated multiplication and division Eureka Math had made them..I’m now making sure I make him memorize his multiplication tables and I KNOW i will have to teach him how I was taught so he can actually understand it and solve his problem the simpler way. My son can do his math in his head, but eureka math doesn’t seem to encourage that – instead it wants him to draw lines, bubbles, squares etc…instead of dealing with the numbers, like 1 + 1 = 2. Someone mentioned about the methods taught as being “real life”?? Since when did your bank showed you your bank ledger with drawing circles or arrow diagram? Real life we use numbers, not drawings! Why not take a poll on what parents think about this method? I understand teachers created this system, but children are frustrated and more than not parents as well!"
MY says:
MARCH 8, 2021 AT 9:04 PM
"I was first introduced to Eureka Math when I joined the school I am currently working for now. I really think that Eureka tries to have good intentions, but the expectations are not developmentally appropriate. I teach pre-k kids and they’re ask to do worksheets for math AND they’re asked to sit for 30-40 minutes worth of a math lesson? This just isn’t developmentally appropriate at all. There is so much research out there that shows that 4-5 year-olds cannot sit for long periods of time, what is appropriate is 15-20 minutes max. Math should be simultaneously incorporated into their days learning, not taught in the same way you would teach upper elementary kids. I do not teach the curriculum to the “T” because . Also, it really isn’t English language learner friendly at all."
Jill C says:
APRIL 8, 2020 AT 1:22 PM
"As a parent in a district that has used Eureka math for the past 4 years I am still shocked that anyone would think that this is a good math program. I have a 4th and 6th grader so I have been dealing with this program for a while and have yet to have anyone in our district give an honest answer about why this would be a good choice. My daughter in 4th grade is working on multiplication and is being shown 4 different ways or “strategies” to do the same problem (Area model, partial products, distributive property, and the standard algorithm). This is confusing and ridiculous for 9 and 10 year olds. Our school sends home links to videos for parents because no one understands it. We are a middle class family who lives in a more affluent well educated neighborhood. When you have highly educated adults who cannot understand – you have a problem. Also, who wants to watch a video after getting home from work so then you can go on to help your child finish their homework because they don’t get it either. Yesterday my daughter said that she just didn’t get math because she just isn’t smart. The truth is that she is smart. She is just having trouble because when you are shown 4 different ways to do the same problem you start to mix up the strategies that are used to solve them. I am angry beyond words that she feels this way . My son in 6th grade is very smart and in the Gifted and Talented double accelerated math program. When I showed him the chart with 4 different ways to do a multiplication problem and asked what he is doing now, he said, “The standard algorithm – it’s much easier and faster.” To that I say, yes it is! We have always been told that having multiple strategies helps those students who struggle with the standard algorithm. Ok, maybe that is true that some students brains are wired in a way that one of these other strategies makes more sense to them. But why would you put an entire classroom of kids through all of this work when you could just choose to differentiate for the students who need it. Two years ago my daughter summed it up. She was working on her math and frustrated and said “I hate Eureka math! All they do is show you is show you fifty thousand ways to do simple math!” : ) If you district is looking at this program please think twice. You will be saving you and your staff a lot of time and energy in communications with frustrated and angry parents. Your staff will thank you because this is not easy for our teachers to learn either. Finally, you will be saving your students the confusion and frustration that comes with this program."
by Scott Baldridge
Note: Scott Baldridge is an Associate Professor of Mathematics at Louisiana State University and was Lead Writer and Lead Mathematician for EngageNY Mathematics Curriculum which changed their produc name to Eureka Math and now Eureka Math2. In the video is Scott Baldridge and his daughter, Autumn Baldridge.
Education Week
March 17, 2015
"Just one curriculum series stood out from the pack. Eureka Math, published by Great Minds, a small Washington-based nonprofit organization, was found to be aligned to the common core for all grades, K-8."
The Hechinger Report
by Jessica Williams
March 13, 2015
"Eureka Math, a Common Core-aligned curriculum published by the non-profit Great Minds Inc., equates mathematical concepts to stories, with the aim of developing conceptual understanding. Like Common Core, it encourages students to use various mental strategies to solve problems, and to focus on the process instead of the answer."
by Duane Habecker
Various YouTube videos on Eureka Math.
If you are in the Amarillo/Canyon, Texas area, you can check with parents that attend
St. Andrews Episcopal School. They used Eureka Math and then removed the program.